and Classes
Part of providing the best possible services and solidifying a respected community of sex workers and other purveyors of pleasure and comfort is offering a variety of certifications and classes to ensure the highest-quality experience for all parties involved.
A Guild does more than provide services, it provides training for those involved in those services. At that Pakshee, that means classes in a number of areas.
As part of the training process offered by Bandee Pakshee, we Certify people in different fields through both our classes and an examination. Certification allows members to design an teach their own classes, serve as Mentors to new members and take the lead on developing their own Pakshee-sponsored events, among other perks.
Certification requires a personal evaluation and the recommendation of a Mentor. The specific nature of obtaining that recommendation and what the evaluation entails is determined both by the type of certification and the personal performance of the individual seeking certification.
In general, the goal is to see demonstrated growth in one's abilities, as well a command of the field in which certification is sought. But certification is not the end of training, as there is always room for growth, so Certified members are encouraged to continue attending classes.